Welcome! Or should we say, bienvenue.

We’re Henah & Kayti—two good friends who met at work and connected over a love for travel, writing, and a good book (or five) to get us through life. 

As introverts, we’re deeply re-energized by all things travel, so much so that we’ve been known to spend all of our PTO (as well as *cough* a few personal days) on trips to lesser-known places we’ve learned about on Reddit. Traveling—whether solo, with friends, or with our partners—has enabled us to grow, lent us new perspectives, and acted as a gift of rest and empowerment. 

We started this newsletter to connect with other like-minded women interested in quiet travel which, for us, means prioritizing introspection and space for generative thought about the world and our place in it. We love the idea of having a gentler approach to vacations and remaining open-minded to new and unfamiliar experiences, especially when the world of travel can feel so noisy with “how-to’s” and “top 10 lists.” 

With our combined decades of travel experience and over 100 passport stamps, we hope to share our love for seeing the world—sometimes on our own and always (always!) with a good book in hand. Expect to see honest reviews of travel destinations, real (read: unfiltered, unposed) photos, and thoughtful writing about the travel industry, specifically through our lens as women.

We hope you’ll join us!

—Henah & Kayti xx

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A travel newsletter with curated vacation recs for women


We like to travel (and always with a good book)